• Kelly Mercedes Díaz Terán Corporación Universitaria del Caribe


Drug addiction is a problem that occurs in every corner of the world and that is why innovative strategies are being implemented to combat this problem as the incorporation of physical activity programs (P.A.) as a complementary treatment to the one being applied in rehabilitation clinics, in order to provide this population that is being intervened multiple benefits generated by the practice of P.A., whose tool provides improvements in quality of life, reduces anxiety and stress caused by confinement in these clinics, increases cardiorespiratory capacity, among others. Objective: To elaborate a program of physical activity for drug-dependent patients of the Sincelejo spring clinic. Methodology: This research has a positivist paradigm with a quantitative approach, has a descriptive scope and a non-experimental design through a theoretical method. Results: An analysis of the search for indicators related to FA in drug-dependent patients was made, encompassing the different countries and authors who have contributed to this field with their articles. In these articles, we will find 14 indicators related to FA programs, the tests used in this population, duration, frequency and intensity of the program, types of exercises, levels of effectiveness of these, benefits brought to drug-dependent people and questionnaires to measure physical fitness, among other aspects.


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How to Cite
Díaz Terán, K. M. (2020). ANALYSIS OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY FOR DRUG DEPENDENT PATIENTS. Revista EDIS ISSN: 2711-3949, 1(2), 1-35. Retrieved from