Analysis of business entrepreneurship in Sincelejo 2020
entrepreneurship, analysis, government, promotion
This investigative work refers to business ventures in the city of Sincelejo, where we will analyze aspects and factors that affect the processes of creation, maintenance and sustainability of ventures, taking as a basis the general characteristics confiscated from the qualities of entrepreneurs In addition to considering these variables, we will also analyze the role of national and local governments for the promotion and participation when these ventures begin their execution processes, in which we seek to explore and synthesize the challenges and flatulence presented in the middle of 2020. Faced by a pandemic, not only when they start but when they are consolidated, therefore we will identify the impacts of business ventures.
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How to Cite
Tuiran García, J. S., Meza Gómez, A. L., & Pérez Moreno, C. I. (2021). Analysis of business entrepreneurship in Sincelejo 2020 . Revista EDIS ISSN: 2711-3949, 2(2), 31-42. Retrieved from