International sports marketing plan for the Visionaries indoor soccer team.

  • Graciela María Castellanos Pallerols Universidad de Oriente
Keywords: International marketing, economy, sport, economic development


This research aims to show the impact that international sports marketing has on the economy of the department of Sucre, Colombia; Although we know the department is characterized by livestock, tourism, agriculture, seeking to enter a new sphere to the economy, this research also seeks to discover a new economic sector that goes beyond tourism and livestock, with sport being the objective main as a different approach to direct the region to sustainable economic development. At an international level, the sports economy captures the attention of the business level, with which new forces emerge that will potentiate the economy, among which are: manufacturer of materials, products, service providers, and media, which result in the strengthening of public and private sectors, each day more prominent and in favor of the economic development of the department of Sucre.


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How to Cite
Castellanos Pallerols, G. M. (2020). International sports marketing plan for the Visionaries indoor soccer team. Revista EDIS ISSN: 2711-3949, 1(1). Retrieved from