Evaluation of the influence of flexibility on the technical development of rhythmic gymnastics at early ages

  • Yaxel Ale de la Rosa Instituto Superior Tecnológico “Compu Sur” con Condición de Universitario
  • Giovanny Capote Lavandero Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Yuditt Hernández Infante Colegio Británico de la ciudad de Quito
Keywords: Rhythmic gymnastics, Flexibility, Technical elements, Early ages Rhythmic gymnastics, Flexibility, Technical elements, Early ages


Flexibility is an individualized process, whose development depends on multiple factors associated with the specificities of the individual. In rhythmic gymnastics, it is identified as a determining capacity within the preparation process, which is linked to competitive performance and the optimization of technical virtuosity. Accordingly, the study focused on evaluating the influence of flexibility on the technical development of rhythmic gymnastics at an early age. For this, the research used a descriptive study type which evaluated two dimensions: flexibility as a composite capacity with nine indicators and special flexibility seen from its manifestation in the technical elements with three indicators; We worked with gymnasts aged eight and 10. The results demonstrate limitations in the development of flexibility, verifying a weighting in the Poor and Fair criteria in the state of flexibility in more than 75% of the cases, which coincides with the presence of limitations in the execution of technical elements. of jumps, turns and balance mainly in nine and 10 year old gymnasts. Since the value of p is less than 0.05, H0 is rejected and H1 is verified, which allows us to propose that flexibility is associated with the development of technical elements in a positive and direct way.


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How to Cite
Ale de la Rosa, Y., Capote Lavandero, G., & Hernández Infante, Y. (2023). Evaluation of the influence of flexibility on the technical development of rhythmic gymnastics at early ages. GADE: Scientific Journal, 3(6), 345-362. Retrieved from https://revista.redgade.com/index.php/Gade/article/view/342