Maximum aerobic power in 13- and 14-year-old school children of the industrial technical educational institution of Sabanalarga, Atlántico, Colombia

  • Manuel de Jesús Cortina Núñez Universidad de Córdoba, Colombia.
  • Genki Rafael Acuña Álvarez Institución Educativa Técnica e Industrial del Municipio de Sabanalarga, Atlántico.
Keywords: Maximum aerobic power, schoolchildren, age, sex and Navette test course


Maximum oxygen consumption or aerobic power is an indicator of physiological fitness, biological or metabolic health; which can be evaluated in the field or laboratory. The objective of the present study was to assess the maximum aerobic power in children of 13 and 14 years of age from the Industrial Technical Educational Institution of the municipality of Sabanalarga, Department of Atlántico, Colombia. A study was carried out with a mixed approach (quantitative-qualitative) and a descriptive cross-sectional design. The total population was made up of 150 schoolchildren; reaching a sample of 79 schoolchildren composed of 45 boys and 34 girls, aged 13 to 14 years, established by convenience. A Smartphone (cell phone) was used with a mobile application which had the Course Navette protocol incorporated. To determine the levels of aerobic power, the scales proposed by the American Heart Association 1972 were used. The data were organized and tabulated in Excel 2019 software and analyzed in the PSPP version 1.6.2 statistic. The study had the endorsement of the academic and ethical council of the Educational Institution and the representatives of the schoolchildren were informed and gave their consent. The results show various levels of maximum aerobic power in schoolchildren aged 13 to 14 years. Finding a statistically significant difference p <0.05 in both sex and age.


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How to Cite
Cortina Núñez, M. de J., & Acuña Álvarez, G. R. (2024). Maximum aerobic power in 13- and 14-year-old school children of the industrial technical educational institution of Sabanalarga, Atlántico, Colombia. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(1), 124-139. Retrieved from