Analysis of the Incidence of Information and Communications Technologies in the Physical Education Class of Grade 10 of the Victoria Manzur Educational Institution

  • Daniel Eduardo Villalba de Oro Universidad de Córdoba, Colombia.
  • Juan Andrés Contreras Baltazar Universidad de Córdoba, Colombia.
Keywords: Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), Physical Education, Educational Institution, 10th Grade, Analysis, Incidence.


Analyze the influence of ICTs on physical education classes at said institution in Montería. Specific objectives encompass the identification of theoretical and methodological backgrounds, the establishment of variables and indicators, and the determination of the current status of ICT involvement in physical education. The theoretical framework is based on content and historical-logical analysis, while the empirical method utilizes information triangulation and a systemic approach. Moreover, descriptive inferential statistics are employed for data analysis. Research instruments include bibliometrics with VosViewer, teacher interviews, student surveys, observation guides in physical education classes. The target population consists of students and teachers in the 10th grade of Victoria Manzur Educational Institution in Montería. The sample comprises all students in 10th grade 2 and 10th grade 4, totaling 93 students, along with one physical education teacher responsible for these grades. This study aims to provide a comprehensive overview of how ICTs are being incorporated into physical education, considering both theoretical and practical perspectives. Bibliometrics will offer a scientific analysis of theoretical backgrounds, while interviews, surveys, and class observations will provide empirical and statistical data to interpret the state of ICT use among students and teachers at the institution.


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How to Cite
Villalba de Oro, D. E., & Contreras Baltazar, J. A. (2024). Analysis of the Incidence of Information and Communications Technologies in the Physical Education Class of Grade 10 of the Victoria Manzur Educational Institution. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(1), 140-174. Retrieved from