The educator's work to determine roads that ennoble him

  • Nancy Batista Díaz Instituto Central de Ciencias Pedagógicas, Cuba
  • Mercedes Alfonso Chomat Instituto Central de Ciencias Pedagógicas, Cuba
Keywords: Educator of the First Childhood, professional Activity, educational Work, the educator's Profesionalización, III Improvement of the National System of Education.


Inside the III Improvement of the National System of Education (SNE), it is approached as purpose, to ennoble the work of the professionals of the education. In a particular way, that of the educators of the first childhood that has like responsibility, the education and development of the zero children to six years in Cuba. The theoretical positions recognize this dedicated professional's fundamental paper and surrendered to the formation and education under the conditions of life in these first years of the childhood.  He/she is conferred a vital importance, to par excellence be this mediator of the culture, a facilitator, guides and driver of the educational process, an investigator and innovative that contributes to transform from its dialectical and pedagogic optics the spiritual growth and the children's cognitivo. From the present article, become experiences of the third improvement are socialized that is implemented in the educational institutions to ennoble the work of the educator of the first childhood, considering the results of the instruments that are applied like part of the materials that incorporate in the educational process in a gradual way, from the centers that implement new forms of work of those which the educator should be prepared. For it, he/she stands out the interaction that maintains with the families and the community, like part of the alternatives that allow to ennoble their work from the educational process.


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How to Cite
Batista Díaz , N., & Alfonso Chomat, M. (2024). The educator’s work to determine roads that ennoble him. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(2), 37-53. Retrieved from