The family in the stimulation of communication of children with Autism

  • Imilla Cecilia Campo Valdés Instituto Central de Ciencias Pedagógicas, Cuba
  • Yaíma Demósthene Sterling Instituto Central de Ciencias Pedagógicas, Cuba
  • Adys Yadira Remón Amarelle Instituto Central de Ciencias Pedagógicas, Cuba
Keywords: Family; autism; comunication.


This article aims to present the results of a research conducted on the preparation of families to stimulate the communication of children between 2 and 5 years old with autism. The application of the instruments revealed the need to create a guidance manual for families for the development of communication in children with autism. It provides general information about the created manual (aspects inherent to the disorder, specific characteristics of the communication process, general guidelines on how to work with these people, and specific guidelines for developing communication), as well as the methodology for its elaboration. The results achieved in its implementation during two school years are shown. As the main result, it was obtained that 100% of the interviewed families express the need to have a guidance manual to stimulate the development of their children's communication, pointing out that communication is one of the most affected areas in children with autism and they require precise guidance to work at home.  In conclusion, the children have little communicative intent and use "the instrumental use of people" as one of the forms of communication. Teachers and specialists consider that families have limitations to enhance the communication process of their children with autism, arguing that they have a lot of ignorance about the disorder, mainly in the treatment, and do not know how to make their children speak.


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How to Cite
Campo Valdés, I. C., Demósthene Sterling, Y., & Remón Amarelle, A. Y. (2024). The family in the stimulation of communication of children with Autism. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(2), 54-77. Retrieved from