The pedagogical qualification of the teacher to address diversity from an inclusive approach

  • Marco Antonio Gamboa Robles Consejo Mundial de Académicos e Investigadores Universitarios
  • Orlando Terré Camacho Consejo Mundial de Académicos e Investigadores Universitarios
  • Maricarmen Alatorre Wells Licenciada en inclusión educativa
  • María Julieta Maldonado Figueroa Escuela Normal Estatal de Especialización
  • María Angélica Quiroz Leyva Escuela Normal Estatal de Especialización
Keywords: Teacher training; educational inclusion; attention to diversity.


The article enables critical reflection and interpretive analysis on the attention and training that teachers have to carry out educational practices with pedagogical foundations that enable diversity in the classroom from the inclusive approach; The substantive work that educational institutions must carry out to guarantee access, participation, reasoning and motivation to all applicants who wish to belong to an educational center and the challenges they must face to have competent professionals who enforce the mission of every inclusive school. The study is carried out under the qualitative methodological process with an ethnographic design that allows explaining, describing and interpreting what happens in the natural context of the object of study. From there, the main foundations are built, among which the perception of concordance of teachers with an ideal profile to address diversity and establish inclusive schools stand out.


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How to Cite
Gamboa Robles, M. A., Terré Camacho, O., Alatorre Wells, M., Maldonado Figueroa, M. J., & Quiroz Leyva, M. A. (2024). The pedagogical qualification of the teacher to address diversity from an inclusive approach. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(2), 89-112. Retrieved from

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