Gamification strategy education for learning significative
In early education, the implementation of innovative strategies such as gamification has proven to be effective in the development of cognitive and motor skills in children. The main objective of this review is to analyze the effectiveness of gamification as a tool for the development of cognitive and motor skills in early education. The methodology used included the systematic review of the available scientific literature on gamification in early education, as well as the analysis of empirical studies that evaluated the effects of this strategy on the development of cognitive and motor skills in children. The results obtained suggest that gamification can be an effective tool to stimulate learning and skill development in children at an early age. Significant improvements were seen in areas such as problem solving, concentration and motor coordination. In conclusion, the gamification strategy is presented as a promising alternative to enhance the development of cognitive and motor skills in early education.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Kathy Maritza Mera Álvarez,Ángel Marcelo Delgado Guanga,Lilia Alexandra Oña Cataña,Krupzkaya Elizabeth Romero Juelas
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