Considerations on environmental bioethics

  • América Maritza Pérez Sánchez Instituto Central de Ciencias Pedagógicas, Cuba
  • Ámbar Rivero Morales Instituto Central de Ciencias Pedagógicas, Cuba
  • Evelyn Elizabeth Hernández Linares Instituto Central de Ciencias Pedagógicas, Cuba
Keywords: Ethics, bioethics, environmental bioethics, environmental crisis.


The turbulent period that covers the last century of humanity's existence has been characterized by a time in which many values have expired and entered into crisis. Environmental Bioethics in its development recognizes that the environmental and ecological crisis is fundamentally a crisis of ethical approach to relationships with scientific progress, with other living beings and with our world. The bioethical problems of the so-called “ecological crisis” have essentially arisen from the consequences of scientific-technical civilization, a result of the ethical behaviour of science linked to its non-neutrality, which is subordinated to a scientific-technological development where individual interests prevail. of the scientists who put them into practice, since the processes of production, dissemination and application of knowledge inherent to scientific work are inexplicable apart from the economic, political, military interests, among others, that characterize the various social contexts. Therefore, a series of reflections are made about the relationship between scientific-technical development, the environmental crisis and environmental bioethics, it being necessary for science to direct its ethical principles towards caring for the environment, since the comprehensive vision of environmental bioethics from the ethics of values allows us to configure a new ecological perspective of health and bioethical problems and establish a deep relationship with the also integral vision of ecology, to achieve a greater understanding of the phenomenon of the environmental crisis and provide possible solutions.


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How to Cite
Pérez Sánchez , A. M., Rivero Morales , Ámbar, & Hernández Linares, E. E. (2024). Considerations on environmental bioethics. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(2), 296-307. Retrieved from