Model for the Implementation of the Transversality of the Portuguese Language in the Angolan University Curriculum

  • Mário Simões de Sousa Araújo Universidade Gregório Semedo


The importance of the Portuguese language as a comprehensive training tool for Angolan university students is undeniable. In addition to its function as a teaching language, Portuguese plays a critical role in building knowledge in various academic areas, as well as developing critical thinking and communication skills. This investigation is justified because there is a significant gap in the way Portuguese is treated in university curricula, often limited to mandatory or isolated subjects, without an approach that integrates its use across different courses and subjects. The presentation of the doctoral thesis project aims to present the empirical characterization of the current state of transversal Portuguese language teaching at the Instituto Superior Politécnico de Ciências e Tecnologia. To this end, legislation relating to the teaching of the Portuguese Language and data collected from a questionnaire administered to teachers who teach subjects other than the Portuguese Language, in the last year of their degrees, will be presented. The data collected account for the following indicators: the teacher's mother tongue and academic training; the subjects he teaches; the classification of your own competence in Portuguese and the syllabus (Portuguese language) you need to overcome the challenges and gaps to improve your students' linguistic competence. This presentation is expected to raise awareness among conference participants about the need for transversal teaching of the Portuguese language in the university curriculum and to gather didactic, methodological and pedagogical suggestions from the public for creating the model for its implementation.


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How to Cite
de Sousa Araújo, M. S. (2025). Model for the Implementation of the Transversality of the Portuguese Language in the Angolan University Curriculum. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(7), 1-13. Retrieved from