Development of Psychological Services: Creating opportunities for everyone, from the University of Cádiz to the Óscar Ribas University

  • Inidia Rubio Vargas Universidade Oscar Rivas
  • Juan Abreu Payrol Universidade Oscar Rivas
  • Yosvany Pedroso González Universidade Oscar Rivas
Keywords: Development. Psychological Services, Creating opportunities.


The work is related to the theme “Education, Social and Gender Equality and Social Inclusion” and the social relevance of inclusion in the field of psychological care is based on this, based on a characterization of the needs of students and teachers in Angolan higher education. teaching system that justifies this type of research project, within these, the lack of trained professionals for psychological support in psychological guidance, monitoring of people with special educational needs and university adaptation stands out. There is a lack of scientific research, adequate spaces for psychological intervention and monitoring of students with learning problems. This limit specialized guidance for young people and adults in higher education. As an unprecedented alternative to this context, the conception and partial execution of a project is presented that guarantees the implementation and development of these services through the training of Óscar Ribas University staff, the acquisition of the necessary material resources and the reinforcement of institutional inter-networks. upon which the CDOP activity would begin through the transfer of good practices of this type of services at the University of Cádiz, Spain, which are based on five pillars: center administration services, prevention services, individualized attention, research services and training services, presenting partial results achieved to date.


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How to Cite
Rubio Vargas, I., Abreu Payrol, J., & Pedroso González, Y. (2025). Development of Psychological Services: Creating opportunities for everyone, from the University of Cádiz to the Óscar Ribas University. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(7), 14-29. Retrieved from