Contribution of the area of human capital management in promoting equality and gender

  • Pedro Gomes Universidade Gregório Semedo
Keywords: : gender inequality, human capital management; organizational policies; Human resources.


The development and implementation of gender equality policies cannot be attributed in isolation to central state actors at the national level. On the contrary, policies have long been developed at various territorial levels. The urgency of addressing gender inequality arises from its substantial social and economic consequences, being primarily a question of justice and concerning the well-being of individuals. The concept of gender as socially constructed has two main themes, one is gender as a process, that is, people construct gender for themselves and for those with whom they interact when enacting gender, and the other is gender as structure. , regime or institution, gender divisions and the gender organization of social worlds are iron windows that allow little resistance. The objective of this work is to analyze the contribution of the area of human capital management in promoting equality and gender. The deepest causes of gender inequality are gender bias and social norms that restrict women's rights and opportunities, which, together with preference, comparative advantage between men and women are the main causes of gender disparities. The interaction between gender prejudices/social norms and preferences/comparative advantages between men and women with other factors such as development, technological advances and public policies, in determining gender disparities and gender inequality in different areas such as education, labor market and financial access.


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How to Cite
Gomes, P. (2025). Contribution of the area of human capital management in promoting equality and gender. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(7), 64-78. Retrieved from