Plyometric training to prevent limb injuries. Inferiors in senior female players of the Desportivo “o maculusso” club 2022/2023
The present work addressed the importance of plyometric training in the prevention of lower limb injuries in senior female handball players of the sports club "O MACULUSSO" in the period between 2022 and 2023. With this research, it was intended to know the importance of plyometric training in the prevention of lower limb injuries in senior female handball players of the sports club "O MACULUSSO" in the period under analysis. This was a descriptive study, predominantly quantitative in nature and included the collection of information through a questionnaire of closed questions of multiple choices applied. The universe of the study was composed of 24 athletes who make up the main team. The sample was obtained by consent of each athlete to participate in the study, corresponding to 17 athletes. The results of the present research reveal that plyometric training improves performance (mainly in sports involving jumps and sprints, as well as improved muscle strength, power, flexibility, endurance, balance, cardiovascular performance).
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