Development of an application to support driving schools for candidates of the highway code exam at the luanda national directorate of traffic and traffic
In this present proposal to develop an application to support driving schools was designed to help candidates in the road exams at the National Directorate of Road and Traffic of Luanda, a problematic situation was verified in the driving school that led us to the development of the ERCE application (Road Code Education), the problem was the following: The lack of interactive technological didactic resources has caused boredom in the learning of candidates at the Clara driving school.The following general objective was outlined: To develop a mobile application that assists candidates in preparing for the highway code exam of the National Directorate of Road and Traffic of Luanda, aiming to improve the pass rate and provide an accessible and effective study tool. The methodology includes bibliographic research, descriptive research, quantitative research, field study was carried out at the Clara driving school, the population was 50 candidates and a sample of 30 individuals. As for the results of the application, it was found that this application brings a particularity that consists of articulating the questions according to the questions asked in the highway code exam at the National Directorate of Road and Traffic, in this way the application will serve as a credible source for candidates in the road code exam of the National Directorate of Road and Traffic. The application is effective, it is functional, it can meet the needs requested by the candidates at the Clara driving school.
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