Implementation of circular eco- nomy practices in manufacturing companies in angola (zee luanda- bengo)

  • Luís Zaila Instituto Superior Politécnico Katangoji
  • Alberto Zulueta Instituto Superior Politécnico Katangoji


The theme is linked to the Circular Economy and Business Sustainability, focu- sing on manufacturing companies in Angola in the Luanda-Bengo Special Eco- nomic Zone, created to promote economic and industrial development by attrac- ting investment and promoting ecological diversification. The circular economy addresses sustainable practices to optimize resources, reduce waste and promote the reuse of materials, contributing to a more efficient and environmentally res- ponsible production model. The objective of the Research is to evaluate how cir- cular economy practces are being incorporated in manufacturing companies in the Luanda-Bengo SEZ. To this end, a case study was developed, with a mixed approach (qualitative-quantitative) of exploratory and descriptive scope, using the combination of a targeted and stratified sampling; the sample under analysis consisted of 15 large companies distributed in the Luanda-Bengo SEZ, the data were collected through a questionnaire addressed to managers and production technicians. Data analysis was done through statistical methods and through the calculation of Average Ranking. The results demonstrate that the implementation of the circular economy is still in its embryonic phase, and that more incentives are needed for this, as well as clear policies to support this transition. It was also found that there is little awareness among managers and technicians regarding the circular economy, although there is an effort to provide training and educa- tion, and a lack of adequate infrastructure for recycling and reuse.


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How to Cite
Zaila, L., & Zulueta, A. (2025). Implementation of circular eco- nomy practices in manufacturing companies in angola (zee luanda- bengo). GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(7), 152-163. Retrieved from