Option of the local governance model for cities as a prerequisite for the adaptability of the new public administration

  • Tiago Morais Buanga Universidade Gregório Semedo
Keywords: Municipalization, Deconcentration, Decentralization, Local Governance, Municipalized Public Policies and New Public Administration.


The Administrative Law of local governance under the responsibility of the Municipality in Angola is a relatively recent subject, as its implementation in terms of studies dates back to 2005, with evidence dating back to the implementation of FUGEM, after the civil war and operations the most significant reforms at the level of State Local Administration postulates. A study carried out in 2016 on the municipalization of public policies in the applicability of the management of the City of Cabinda, revealed insufficiencies in the reality of public policies until then declared as being of municipal vocation. This article seeks to review the results of the study, analyze the particularities of the City of Luanda and promote a discussion with a view to systematizing the Local Cities Governance Model as a premise of adaptability of the New Public Administration, relying on theoretical, administrative elements and legal. The formulated problem aims to question how the construction of a local governance model for cities can mitigate the social, political, economic, cultural and administrative impacts of the NAP's aims. The research results present a proposal for a local governance model for Cities based on the definition of the organizational structure, public performance and management, NAP postulates, relations, cooperation and exchange, local city finances, inspection and administrative supervision. We sought to evaluate the process of administrative deconcentration in the phase of its consolidation to raise premises for the process of administrative decentralization and definition of the City's statute.


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How to Cite
Morais Buanga, T. (2025). Option of the local governance model for cities as a prerequisite for the adaptability of the new public administration. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(7), 164-177. Retrieved from https://revista.redgade.com/index.php/Gade/article/view/552