Social Responsibility of Companies in the Municipality of Moçâmedes

  • Ilunga Roberto Universidade do Namibe, Angola
  • Dulce Quiatuhanga Universidade do Namibe
  • Loliana Mandriz Universidade do Namibe
  • Constância Lino Universidade do Namibe
  • Massochi Paulo Universidade do Namibe
Keywords: Social responsibility; Enterprise; Municipality.


Companies play a crucial role in a country’s development. Therefore, they must prioritize not only business success and growth but also the welfare of the communities where they operate and that are impacted by their activities. As noted by Teixeira (2013), a company that consistently fails to create value for society will ultimately struggle to generate profits and may be forced to exit the market. Social responsibility encompasses how companies integrate economic, social, environmental, and other community concerns into their operations. This article aims to examine the commitment of companies in the city of Moçâmedes to social responsibility and assess how this commitment is reflected in their management practices. The methodology employed includes a literature review, document analysis, field research, and a questionnaire survey. Findings reveal that over 70% of the companies surveyed actively engage in social responsibility initiatives as outlined in their policies, demonstrating a strong awareness of the importance and benefits of these practices. In conclusion, the majority of companies in Moçâmedes display a high level of social responsibility, integrating it into their business strategies. This highlights the growing significance of social responsibility in the local business landscape.


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How to Cite
Roberto, I., Quiatuhanga, D., Mandriz, L., Lino, C., & Paulo, M. (2025). Social Responsibility of Companies in the Municipality of Moçâmedes. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(7), 225-240. Retrieved from