Entrenamiento de la fuerza para prevención de lesiones en rematadores de Voleibol

  • Cynthia Thalía Carrión Vivar Universidad Central del Ecuador
Keywords: Volleyball, strength, injury prevention, spike


Volleyball is a sport that combines specific technical skills, such as spikes, with intense physical demands, which significantly increases the risk of injury. Common injuries include sprains, muscle tears and tendinopathies. Spikes, being explosive movements that require strength, speed and coordination, are one of the main causes of injuries due to the high repetitive load and impact involved. Specific strength training can strengthen both muscles and connective tissues, helping to reduce the risk of such injuries. The aim of this work is to analyze the information available in the scientific literature on strength training in the prevention of injuries in volleyball spikers. The methodology will be descriptive and qualitative, using search strategies that combine keywords and Boolean operators in databases such as PubMed, Latindex, Redalyc, Dialnet, Scielo, Complete (EBSCO) and Web of Science, as well as in academic search engines such as Google Scholar. Article selection will be carried out following the PRISMA method, applying inclusion and exclusion criteria to ensure the relevance and quality of the data collected. It is expected to identify best practices in strength training to prevent injuries in volleyball and develop specific recommendations for coaches, physical trainers and sports health professionals. This article aims to significantly contribute to improving the performance and health of volleyball players, providing a solid foundation for future research in the area. The expected results include the identification of best practices in strength training to prevent injuries in volleyball, as well as the formation of specific recommendations for coaches, physical trainers and sports health professionals. It is expected that this article will contribute significantly to optimizing the performance and health of volleyball players, while providing a solid foundation for future research in this field.


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Author Biography

Cynthia Thalía Carrión Vivar , Universidad Central del Ecuador



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How to Cite
Carrión Vivar , C. T. (2025). Entrenamiento de la fuerza para prevención de lesiones en rematadores de Voleibol. GADE: Scientific Journal, 5(1), 52-79. Retrieved from https://revista.redgade.com/index.php/Gade/article/view/570