Evaluation of the preparatory tactical actions of karate fighters in Kumite

  • Mariela Rodríguez Rodríguez Escuela Integral Deportiva Escolar Héctor Ruíz Pérez Villa Clara (Cuba).
  • Ángela González Padrón Centro de Estudios de Cultura Física y Deporte. Facultad de Cultura Física. Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas (Cuba).
  • Jorge Abundio González Pascual Departamento Didáctica del Deporte. Facultad de Cultura Física Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas (Cuba)
Keywords: evaluation; preparatory tactical actions; kumite


The research starts from the fact that the preparatory tactical actions constitute the basis and an essential element for the tactical performance in kumite. In school category athletes there are deficiencies in the use of preparatory tactical actions. The objective of this work is to propose a guide to evaluate the preparatory tactical actions with karate athletes of the school category in Villa Clara province. The methods used were synthetic analytical, deductive inductive, observation, survey, document review, specialists' criteria and empirical frequency distribution. Initial weaknesses in the evaluation of the preparatory tactical actions in the offensive combat in Karate-do athletes, which are embodied in unresolved difficulties during the execution of the kumite. As a result, the guide to evaluate the preparatory tactical actions is explained in order to compare the performance of karatekas in the different stages and cycles, which allow analyzing the progressive learning of these actions and their execution in relation to the results obtained in training, preparatory competitions and fundamental competitions. It is concluded that the guide constitutes a reference base for the evaluation of the tactical preparation of karate fighters, a novel issue that is needed in the learning of this combat sport. This proposal supports the teaching methodology because it enriches the work of Karate-do coaches.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Rodríguez , M., González Padrón, Ángela, & González Pascual , J. A. (2022). Evaluation of the preparatory tactical actions of karate fighters in Kumite. GADE: Scientific Journal, 2(3), 226-236. Retrieved from https://revista.redgade.com/index.php/Gade/article/view/127