Assessment of kayak athletes and sports equipment using the competitive profile matrix (MPC)

  • Pedro Hidalgo Reyes Universidad de Granma, Cuba
  • Néstor Remón Fuentes Unidad Docente Deportiva de Remo y Canotaje, “Julio Antonio Mella, Granma.
  • Celiano Samada Viamontes Unidad Docente Deportiva de Remo y Canotaje, “Julio Antonio Mella, Granma.
Keywords: Competitive Profile Matrix (MPC); women's kayaking teams; kayak athletes; Strategic management.


The Strategic Profile Matrix (MPC) is a strategic management tool that allows you to compare organizations in the same sector. In the present study, CPM was used to compare and assess female kayaking athletes and teams. The following were identified as key success factors for the sports teams under study: enrollment, available resources, technical strength and participation in competitions, in that order; in the case of for the athletes, technique, physical condition, psychological state and tactics were chosen. In the collective order, in correspondence with the results of the MPC, it was concluded that the provinces with the best competitive position in the female school kayak in Cuba are: Matanzas, Cienfuegos and Villa Clara; while the province of Granma ranks fifth, among the teams studied. 


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How to Cite
Hidalgo Reyes, P., Remón Fuentes, N., & Samada Viamontes, C. (2022). Assessment of kayak athletes and sports equipment using the competitive profile matrix (MPC). GADE: Scientific Journal, 2(4), 111-120. Retrieved from