Systematic review of the tourist flow: SWOT of Colossus territory

  • Melisa Castro Atencia Universidad de Sucre
  • Rosa Romero Martínez Universidad de Sucre
  • William Niebles Nuñez Universidad de Sucre
Keywords: Tourism in Colombia, Positioning, Competitiveness, Tourism marketing


The systematic review of tourist flow in the municipality of Coloso focuses on
identifying the factors that influence the decrease in tourism in the region. The
methodology included a bibliographic review of the topic through the Vosviewer
software on the Scopus platform. Co-authorship of authors, organizations, countries,
and co-occurrence of keywords related to the decrease in tourist flow in Coloso were
analyzed. The bibliographic review identified the need to implement strategies to
improve tourism infrastructure in the region and to increase the security and tourism
promotion. As a result, the main factors affecting tourist flow in Coloso were detected,
including the presence of armed groups, the absence of hotels, and the poor condition
of roads. There is a perception of insecurity among tourists, which has negatively
affected tourism in the region. Additionally, the lack of hotels and tourism infrastructure
has made it difficult for tourists to reach the municipality. Lastly, the poor condition of
roads leading to the region has made it difficult for tourists and decreased interest in
visiting Colosó. In conclusion, it is important to conduct tourism promotion campaigns
to attract more visitors and increase tourist flow in the region


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Author Biography

William Niebles Nuñez, Universidad de Sucre

Ph.D. Administración. Docente de la Universidad de Sucre. Decano Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas.


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How to Cite
Castro Atencia, M., Romero Martínez, R., & Niebles Nuñez, W. (2023). Systematic review of the tourist flow: SWOT of Colossus territory. GADE: Scientific Journal, 3(3), 24-44. Retrieved from

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