Economic research methodology: Investigative proposals on tourism in the department of Sucre

  • Luisa Chaparro Ramírez Universidad de Sucre
  • Yanith Terán Flórez Universidad de Sucre
  • Lina Marcela Beleño Nieto Universidad de Sucre
  • Yeison Flórez García Universidad de Sucre
  • Santiago Mercado Medina Universidad de Sucre
  • José Ángel Barrios Martinez Universidad de Sucre
  • Maria Naty Carrascal Martinez Universidad de Sucre
  • Heily Margarita Martinez Ramírez Universidad de Sucre
Keywords: strategy, positioning, tourism and sustainability.


The research methodology plays a fundamental role in the development of effective and
sustainable strategies to promote this industry in the region. Through a scientific and
rigorous approach, the specific needs, challenges and opportunities that exist in the
department can be identified, thus allowing the design of specific and appropriate actions
to achieve the objectives set. This article presents three economic research proposals.
This involves collecting and analyzing relevant data, such as the number of visitors, hotel
capacity, available tourism services, and the quality of infrastructure. In addition, it is
necessary to evaluate the perception of tourists about the experience in Sucre, as well as
to identify the main problems and obstacles that the industry faces. Once this information
is obtained, different research techniques can be applied to obtain a deeper
understanding of the factors that influence tourism in the department.
Keywords: strategy, positioning, tourism and sustainability.


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Author Biographies

Luisa Chaparro Ramírez, Universidad de Sucre

Estudiante del programa de Economía. Integrante del semillero de investigación EECOS

Yanith Terán Flórez, Universidad de Sucre

Estudiante del programa de Economía. Integrante del semillero de investigación EECOS

Lina Marcela Beleño Nieto, Universidad de Sucre

Estudiante del programa de Economía

Yeison Flórez García, Universidad de Sucre

Estudiante del programa de Economía

José Ángel Barrios Martinez, Universidad de Sucre

Estudiante del programa de Economía. Integrante del semillero de investigación EECOS

Maria Naty Carrascal Martinez, Universidad de Sucre

Estudiante del programa de Economía. Integrante del semillero de investigación EECOS


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How to Cite
Chaparro Ramírez, L., Terán Flórez, Y., Beleño Nieto, L. M., Flórez García, Y., Mercado Medina, S., Barrios Martinez, J. Ángel, Carrascal Martinez, M. N., & Martinez Ramírez, H. M. (2023). Economic research methodology: Investigative proposals on tourism in the department of Sucre. GADE: Scientific Journal, 3(3), 140-170. Retrieved from