Analysis of the sedentarism in the inhabitants of Cienaga de Oro and San Carlos, Cordoba

  • Edgar Enrique Lozano Ruiz Universidad de Córdoba. Colombia.
  • Edgardo Rafael Petro Ortiz Universidad de Córdoba. Colombia.
  • Mateo Andrés González Tamayo Universidad de Córdoba. Colombia.
  • Silvio Rafael Villera Coronado Universidad de Córdoba. Colombia.
Keywords: Sedentary lifestyle, physical activity, quality of life.


Sedentary lifestyle has become a worldwide problem, and various studies have linked these behaviors with various human diseases. Therefore, sedentary lifestyles and physical inactivity are important modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease and mortality worldwide. These lifestyles are conceived as a public health problem, since they represent eight of the ten main causes of death globally. Physical activity of at least 15 minutes a day and at least 3 times a week is classified as a transcendental and extremely important habit due to numerous positive effects on health. The objective of this research focuses on analyzing the level of sedentary lifestyle in the inhabitants of Ciénaga de Oro and San Carlos, Córdoba, where the methodology used is characterized in a search and a selection of studies, where data is extracted to be later evaluated and synthesize results. Regarding these, it is found that the average height of the inhabitants of the municipalities involved in this analysis is between 1.61cm to 1.70cm. In addition, they have a high level of overweight. This shows the little physical activity carried out by this population both to travel to the workplace, the mobility they use to work within it, and free time outside working hours.


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How to Cite
Lozano Ruiz, E. E., Petro Ortiz, E. R., González Tamayo, M. A., & Villera Coronado, S. R. (2023). Analysis of the sedentarism in the inhabitants of Cienaga de Oro and San Carlos, Cordoba. GADE: Scientific Journal, 3(4), 1-44. Retrieved from