Evaluation of gross motor in sixth grade students of Santa Lucia Educational Institution

  • José Vargas Burgos Universidad de Córdoba. Colombia.
  • Alexis Pérez Salgado Universidad de Córdoba. Colombia.
  • Gilberto Sánchez Padilla Universidad de Córdoba. Colombia.
  • Lucía Lema Gómez Universidad de Córdoba. Colombia.
Keywords: Gross Motricity; educational institution; students.


This research article on the evaluation of gross motor skills in children helps us to know what a fundamental aspect of the development is and functioning of the organism, which includes the ability to make movements and coordinate physical actions in the same way refers to the skill development. In order to deepen, the following objective is formulated to evaluate gross motor skills in sixth grade students of the Santa Lucia educational institution. Articles that provide an overview of the most recent advances in research on gross motor skills were studied and a survey was carried out on 49 sixth grade students who were chosen from the sample of results obtained through the surveys carried out on sixth grade students of the Santa Lucia educational institution, we were able to conclude that of those surveyed, a large part gives importance to corporeality and physical exercise.


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How to Cite
Vargas Burgos , J., Pérez Salgado , A., Sánchez Padilla, G., & Lema Gómez, L. (2023). Evaluation of gross motor in sixth grade students of Santa Lucia Educational Institution. GADE: Scientific Journal, 3(4), 65-88. Retrieved from https://revista.redgade.com/index.php/Gade/article/view/245