Analysis of the level of physical activity of the inhabitants of Cerete and San Pelayo Córdoba

  • Carlos Alberto Vargas Mórelo Universidad de Córdoba. Colombia.
  • Malobe López Coneo Universidad de Córdoba. Colombia.
  • Félix Benjamín Santana Lobo Universidad de Córdoba. Colombia.
Keywords: Level of physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, quality of life


 Physical activity is very important in society. Because it fights muscle diseases, osteoporosis and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Physical activity and cardiovascular health (Cotignola et al., 2023), improves the ability to adequately perform muscular work and involves individuals to successfully perform tasks that improve their physical condition. That is why the objective of this work is to analyze the level of physical activity of the inhabitants of Cerete and San Pelayo Córdoba, within the methodology the Vosviewer software was used to make a bibliometric analysis, the GPAQ questionnaire proposed by the world organization of health to a population of 400 people from the municipalities of San Pelayo and Cereté in the Department of Córdoba, 200 adults from each municipality, men and women were taken randomly, to measure the level of physical activity, within the results it can be see that physical activity is not being carried out systematically, physical inactivity is one of the main risk factors for mortality from non-communicable diseases, people with an insufficient level of physical activity have a risk of death between 20% and a 30% higher compared to people who reach a sufficient level of physical activity.


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How to Cite
Vargas Mórelo, C. A., López Coneo, M., & Santana Lobo, F. B. (2023). Analysis of the level of physical activity of the inhabitants of Cerete and San Pelayo Córdoba. GADE: Scientific Journal, 3(4), 233-288. Retrieved from