Leisure-recreational activities for educational institutions

  • Jamer Iván Quintero Martínez Universidad de Córdoba, Colombia
  • Andrés Paternina Coronado Universidad de Córdoba, Colombia
  • Fernando Antonio De La Espriella Arenas Universidad de Córdoba, Colombia
Keywords: Recreational, recreational programs, comprehensive development, participation, health, well-being, adaptation, social interaction.


This project on recreational-recreational programs focuses on the implementation of activities that combine play and recreation. These activities seek to provide both physical and mental benefits for participants. The main objective is to create a fun and participatory environment that contributes to the comprehensive development of people. Additionally, your project may include strategies to adapt these activities to different age groups and contexts, in order to maximize their positive impact on the community. The central idea is to promote health, well-being and social interaction through programs designed to be attractive and stimulating.


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How to Cite
Quintero Martínez, J. I., Paternina Coronado, A., & De La Espriella Arenas, F. A. (2023). Leisure-recreational activities for educational institutions. GADE: Scientific Journal, 3(6), 1-26. Retrieved from https://revista.redgade.com/index.php/Gade/article/view/321