Influence of the Self-Determination Theory on the Quality of Life of Ninth-Grade Students of Arauca
This article investigates the influence of Deci and Ryan's Self-Determination Theory on the quality of life of ninth-grade students at La Enseñanza School. A didactic design based on this theory is applied in physical education classes to assess its impact on students' self-determination and well-being. Ninth-grade students were selected, and instruments such as a sociogram, in-depth interviews, and the adaptation of the IPAQ were used to evaluate intrinsic motivation and self-determination in relation to physical activity. The results indicate an improvement in students' self-determination, an increase in intrinsic motivation, and a more positive perception of physical education in their overall well-being. Students show a willingness to actively participate, set personal goals, and make informed decisions in their class involvement. In conclusion, the implementation of the theory in the didactic design of classes has a positive impact on students' quality of life. This underscores the importance of addressing students' basic psychological needs to promote their self-determination and well-being in the educational context.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Diego Arciniegas Peñalosa,Andres Portilla Florez,Emmanuel Vanegas Acosta,Daniela Silgado Cañas,Javier Rojas Peñaloza

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