La The prevention of domestic violence with pastoral mediation and the Christian church

  • Raisa Emilia Bernal Cerza Instituto Tecnológico Superior Rumiñahui
  • Orelvis Benitez Correa Instituto Tecnológico Superior Rumiñahui
  • Mauricio Espín Guerrón Instituto Tecnológico Superior Rumiñahui


Domestic violence is one of the main ways in which violence is manifested in society; its consequences affect the lives of all family members, with emphasis on the most vulnerable, children, women and the elderly who live together. In the home. The objective of the research carried out was to propose a guidance strategy for the prevention of domestic violence, whose actions were mediated by the Torre Fuerte Christian church of the parish of San Pedro de Taboada. To achieve the results, investigative methods such as synthetic analytical, inductive-deductive, structural systemic, interview, survey and percentage calculation were used. The developed strategy was developed through the following stages: diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation. The results found in the closing survey show the feasibility of the strategy carried out. The implementation of dynamic and participatory actions in the meetings held made possible reflection and debate on the topics discussed. This means the high level of satisfaction shown by the 53 participants in each of the meetings held.


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How to Cite
Bernal Cerza, R. E., Benitez Correa, O., & Espín Guerrón, M. (2024). La The prevention of domestic violence with pastoral mediation and the Christian church. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(1), 175-187. Retrieved from