Gamification in the development of emotional intelligence in the area of mathematics in Basic General Education

  • Nancy Maribel Vaca Pucachaqui Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Tatiana Alexandra Paucar Ñacata Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Franklin Daniel Aguilar Enriquez UNIVERSIDAD CENTRAL DEL ECUADOR
Keywords: Gamification, Emotional Intelligence, Math, Strategy, Emotional Skills


Gamification is an innovative strategy that allows students to better internalize knowledge and develop emotional skills in an interactive and practical way. The present research work arose from the need to find a strategy that would promote the development of emotional intelligence without neglecting academic performance, since the results of the PISA-D tests in the area of Mathematics were not encouraging for Ecuador in terms of knowledge, being one of the worst scorers at the regional and world level by obtaining 377 points. but obtaining 88% in terms of life satisfaction. At the national level, the picture was no different, given that it was not possible to exceed 700 points in the Ser Estudiante tests, a level considered satisfactory. Through documentary research, the use of the correlational method and the comparative data analysis technique, the result was that, with 97% at the international level and 66% at the national level, gamification motivates participation and good management of emotions. In conclusion, gamification is a viable strategy that improves learning while developing the socio-emotional skills necessary for its training.


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How to Cite
Vaca Pucachaqui, N. M., Paucar Ñacata , T. A., & Aguilar Enriquez, F. D. (2024). Gamification in the development of emotional intelligence in the area of mathematics in Basic General Education. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(3), 40-52. Retrieved from

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