Learning chess in second grade primary school students
The importance given to learning chess within the school's teaching-learning process in Primary Education constitutes a strategic guideline in the development of the intellectual abilities of primary schoolchildren. However, learning chess is not easy to manage, and schoolchildren must be motivated to learn it. Consequently, we start from the scientific problem: how to contribute to the learning of chess in second grade A students of the “Fructuoso Rodríguez” primary school? The objective was to design alternatives aimed at increasing the learning of chess in second grade A students of the “Fructuoso Rodríguez” primary school in the Caibarién municipality. In this sense, the theoretical and methodological foundations that support the research are organized. Theoretical level methods were used: analytical-synthetic, hypothetical-deductive; at the empirical level: observation, document analysis, pedagogical tests, survey, interview; of the mathematical and/or statistical level: the empirical frequency distribution. The initial diagnosis applied to second grade A students demonstrated their deficiencies in learning chess. The alternatives respond to the insufficiencies that they present and their educational needs. For the evaluation of the designed activities, a quantitative and qualitative comparison was applied between the results provided by the initial pedagogical test and the final pedagogical test, which allowed us to verify their effectiveness as a support for learning chess and their applicability was assessed as quite adequate. through specialist criteria.
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