Reflecting on Technological Education
Scientific-technical development goes ahead of the capacity to assimilate changes, at the level of knowledge and in the organization and culture; Society evolves in its thinking, values, lifestyles, norms change; The impact of the globalization of the economy, in addition to sharpening international competition, causes and reinforces interdependencies between countries in all fields: political, economic, social, cultural, technological, etc., significantly increasing the level of uncertainty that characterizes all organizational activity. Today, however, labor relations in countries with high technological development, as a direct consequence of decades of research and application of its results, are changing and a new type of actor has appeared. Machines, both analog and digital, have been used throughout history to help designers of work environments calculate work output and also to automate tasks, an objective that is pursued today through introduction of AI tools and applications.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Luis del Toro Reyes,Julio Enrique López,Tania Hernández Echevarría
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.