Third improvement of the National Education System in Cuba

  • Silvia María Navarro Quintero Instituto Central de Ciencias Pedagógicas, Cuba
  • Alberto Diego Valle Lima Instituto Central de Ciencias Pedagógicas, Cuba
Keywords: Playful strategy; meaningful learning; mathematics.


The Cuban education system has undergone various transformations throughout its history in order to adapt to the changing needs of society. The Third Improvement of the National Education System constitutes the third stage of important reforms implemented to improve the quality and effectiveness of training processes. This review article aims to analyze the main elements of the Third Improvement of the National Education System in Cuba, including its objectives, measures implemented, and the impacts and results obtained. A comprehensive review of the scientific literature and official documents related to the Third Improvement of education in Cuba was carried out. Specialized databases were consulted, as well as reports and studies published by educational institutions and government agencies in the country. The Third Improvement focused on strengthening the comprehensive training of students, raising the quality of teaching-learning processes, and improving the structure and organization of the education system. Among the main measures implemented are the restructuring of study plans and programs, the strengthening of the preparation of teachers and managers, and the decentralization of decision-making. The paper explains the types of research that have been developed in the Third Improvement of the National Education System (SNE), their characteristics and possibilities. The latter is classified as complex research.


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How to Cite
Navarro Quintero, S. M., & Valle Lima, A. D. (2024). Third improvement of the National Education System in Cuba. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(2), 78-88. Retrieved from