Bibliometric analysis of the constant use of technology and its impact on school performance in children and young people
This review article aims to synthesize current scientific evidence on the relationship between the constant use of technology and school performance in children and adolescents. A comprehensive search was conducted in academic databases to identify relevant studies published in the last 10 years. Original articles that examined the association between the use of technological devices and academic performance in children and adolescents were included. The studies reviewed indicate that excessive and prolonged use of technology, especially before bed, is associated with decreased academic performance. This is due to factors such as reduced sleep, distraction, decreased motivation, and interference with study activities. However, moderate use and for educational purposes can have positive effects on learning. The findings suggest that it is important to establish guidelines and limits on the use of technology by children and young people to promote a healthy balance that does not negatively affect their school performance. More longitudinal research is needed to better understand this relationship and develop effective intervention strategies.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Orfa Eteli Erazo Díaz,Elizabeth Del Rocío Proaño Cañizares,Ana Patricia Bustillos Ronquillo ,Rita Elizabeth Barriga Enríquez,Erika Nirman Barriga Enríquez
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