Contributions of physical education to the comprehensive development of students

  • Andrea Estefania Guamán Yumiceba Unidad Educativa Municipal Quitumbe Ecuador
  • Leonardo Lenin Lalangui Armijos Unidad Educativa Municipal Quitumbe Ecuador
  • Diego Fernando Ayala Laverde Unidad Educativa Municipal Quitumbe Ecuador
  • Martin Renato Vergara Terán Unidad Educativa Municipal Quitumbe Ecuador
  • Andrés Patricio Vergara Terán Unidad Educativa Municipal Fernández Madrid. Ecuador.
Keywords: Physical education; comprehensive development; teaching learning, students


Physical education plays a fundamental role in the comprehensive development of students by promoting health, well-being and academic performance. It is crucial to understand the benefits that this discipline brings to the formation of individuals. The objective of this systematic review is to comprehensively analyze the existing literature on the contributions of physical education to the comprehensive development of students, in order to identify patterns, trends and areas for improvement in the implementation of related educational programs. An exhaustive search was carried out in academic databases using specific inclusion and exclusion criteria to select relevant studies. A critical analysis of the literature was applied to synthesize the information and draw significant conclusions. The results of this systematic review highlight that physical education contributes significantly to the physical, mental and social development of students. An improvement in health, self-esteem, academic performance and social skills is observed in those who actively participate in physical education programs. In conclusion, physical education plays a crucial role in the comprehensive development of students, promoting healthy habits, social skills and better academic performance. Strengthen the implementation of educational programs that promote the active participation of students in physical activities to maximize the benefits of physical education in their comprehensive development.


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Author Biographies

Andrea Estefania Guamán Yumiceba, Unidad Educativa Municipal Quitumbe Ecuador

Docente de Educación Física

Unidad Educativa Municipal Quitumbe


Leonardo Lenin Lalangui Armijos, Unidad Educativa Municipal Quitumbe Ecuador
Diego Fernando Ayala Laverde, Unidad Educativa Municipal Quitumbe Ecuador

Docente de Educación Física

Unidad Educativa Municipal Quitumbe


Martin Renato Vergara Terán, Unidad Educativa Municipal Quitumbe Ecuador

Docente de Educación Física

Unidad Educativa Municipal Quitumbe



Andrés Patricio Vergara Terán, Unidad Educativa Municipal Fernández Madrid. Ecuador.

Docente de Educación Física

Unidad Educativa Municipal Fernández Madrid.



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How to Cite
Guamán Yumiceba, A. E., Lalangui Armijos, L. L., Ayala Laverde, D. F., Vergara Terán, M. R., & Vergara Terán, A. P. (2024). Contributions of physical education to the comprehensive development of students. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(2), 212-227. Retrieved from