Ergonomic risk in users of data display screens under teleworking conditions at a construction company
With the aim of identifying ergonomic risk for data display screen users in telework conditions, an exploratory study was conducted to determine the ergonomic conditions for a group of employees working in this modality. Among other methods, an ergonomic conditions survey was used to collect information about the workspace and work environment, the equipment used, and the organization and control of their work routine. The most relevant ergonomic conditions indicate that the most frequently used area of the house for telework is the bedroom. 86.80% of employees use laptops, but only 25% use a separate keyboard and mouse. Only 41% of employees take breaks during their workday, with each break averaging between 5 to 10 minutes. The lack of concentration and discomfort experienced by 73.50% of employees leads them to prefer returning to the office rather than continuing telework. Telework requires appropriate ergonomic conditions for its execution. It has been observed that there are technical and organizational deficiencies that need to be managed to reduce visual, musculoskeletal, and mental fatigue caused by prolonged use of data display screens and the adoption of forced postures.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Roxette Suasnavas Morales ,Oswaldo Jara-Díaz,Aimee Vilaret Serpa ,Pablo Roberto Suasnavas Bermúdez
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