Sensorimotor stimulation for the development of coordination skills with an interactive approach in Physical Education

  • Edison Paúl Tapia Echeverría Unidad Educativa 28 de abril
  • Jorge Fabian Zumba Chiluisa Unidad Educativa Primicias de la Cultura de Quito
  • Paul Arturo Carmilema Yungan Unidad Educativa Fiscal Primicias de la Cultura de Quito
  • Cristina Paola Romero Silva Escuela Nahim Isaías Barquet
Keywords: Sensorimotor stimulation; coordination skills; interactive approach; physical education


The article addresses the importance of sensorimotor stimulation in the development of coordination skills in the context of Physical Education. The relevance of this interactive approach to improve students' coordination and motor performance is highlighted. The main objective of the article is to analyze the effectiveness of sensorimotor stimulation as a strategy to enhance coordination skills in the educational field of Physical Education. The aim is to identify best practices and interactive approaches that favor students' motor development. Methodology:The review analyzed different studies and pedagogical approaches that have implemented sensorimotor stimulation in the context of Physical Education. Research that addressed the relationship between sensorimotor stimulation and the development of coordination skills was reviewed, as well as the interaction between sensory and motor aspects in motor learning. Results:The results of the review highlighted the effectiveness of sensorimotor stimulation to improve students' coordination skills in Physical Education. A positive correlation was observed between the implementation of sensorimotor strategies and the development of coordination, balance and precision in motor movements.


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Author Biographies

Edison Paúl Tapia Echeverría, Unidad Educativa 28 de abril

Unidad Educativa Especializada del Carchi

Jorge Fabian Zumba Chiluisa, Unidad Educativa Primicias de la Cultura de Quito
Unidad Educativa Primicias de la Cultura de Quito

Paul Arturo Carmilema Yungan, Unidad Educativa Fiscal Primicias de la Cultura de Quito
Unidad Educativa Fiscal Primicias de la Cultura de Quito

Cristina Paola Romero Silva, Escuela Nahim Isaías Barquet
Escuela Nahim Isaías Barquet


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How to Cite
Tapia Echeverría, E. P., Zumba Chiluisa, J. F., Carmilema Yungan, P. A., & Romero Silva, C. P. (2024). Sensorimotor stimulation for the development of coordination skills with an interactive approach in Physical Education. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(2), 265-281. Retrieved from