Personalized training and its impact on the tactical skills of fencing professionals: theoretical systematization

  • Lisbet Guillen Pereira Instituto Superior tecnológico Universitario Compu Sur
  • Eduardo Arturo Aguirre Obando Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Ana Margarita O'Reilly Sotolongo Universidad Central Marta Abreu de las Villa, Cuba
Keywords: Personalized training, Tactical skills, Elite fencers


Objective: systematize the theoretical and methodological foundations of personalized training and its impact on the tactical skills of fencing professionals. Materials and methods: The methodology used was consistent with the systematic review based on the PRISMA protocol. We started from an in-depth search in updated sources related to the topic, relying on academic search engines such as: Latindex, Redalyc, Dialnet Scielo, PubMed, Complete (EBSCO) and Web of Science and academic search engines such as Google Scholar. The process of selecting the most relevant documents, using inclusion and exclusion criteria, associated with the timeliness of the information (sources mainly from the last 6 years 2018-2024). In this process, the bibliographic analysis, the synthetic analytical method, and triangulation by source guaranteed the phases of the study. Results: It is proven that the personalized exercises encourage the fencer to define short and long-term objectives, as well as to design sequences of technical-tactical actions, providing him with a solid and well-structured action plan that gives him the necessary tools to achieve the goal. success in the competition. Conclusions: The influence of exercises with an individualized approach for the development of tactical skills in fencing is of utmost importance in these times. With the correct planning, execution and control of individualized exercises, we contribute to the development of competencies, skills and abilities in the fencer, which will allow him to establish and execute effective actions throughout the academic-professional training process.


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Author Biography

Lisbet Guillen Pereira, Instituto Superior tecnológico Universitario Compu Sur

Instituto Superior tecnológico Universitario Compu Sur


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How to Cite
Guillen Pereira, L., Aguirre Obando, E. A., & O’Reilly Sotolongo, A. M. (2024). Personalized training and its impact on the tactical skills of fencing professionals: theoretical systematization. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(3), 23-39. Retrieved from