Meta-analysis of gross motor development with the evolution of artificial intelligence

  • Martha Verónica Chachalo Sandoval Unidad Educativa Fiscal Atahualpa
  • Jaime Efrén Torres Baño Dirección Distrital De Educación 17d02 Calderón
  • Fátima Elizabeth Torres Baño Unidad Educativa República 24 de Mayo
  • Diego Armando Rodríguez Cueva Unidad Educativa Juan Montalvo
  • Andrea Carolina Álvarez Gallegos UE Bilingue Anan
  • José Esteban Andrade Chiriboga Escuela de EGB Nicolás Jiménez
Keywords: Gross motor skills, Artificial intelligence (AI), Interventions, Randomized controlled trials, Study quality, Jadad score


The development of gross motor skills is crucial in the early stages of life, as it contributes to the child's ability to interact with their environment and participate in games and physical activities. In this sense, the objective of this article is to carry out a meta-analysis of the development of gross motor skills with the evolution of artificial intelligence. The methodology applied was carried out with the meta-analysis study applying the Jadad scale and Cohen's d, at two moments of the study for Scopus search engines (Study sample 1 = 32 articles; study sample 2 = 8 articles), based on 2 hypotheses. The analysis of the hypotheses (H1 and H2) showed that, although there are indications of the presence of AI in motor development, the quality of the evidence is limited, since many studies do not meet the necessary quality criteria. It was shown that, although interest in the use of AI to improve gross motor skills is increasing, current evidence is not sufficient to establish definitive conclusions, suggesting the need for more robust studies in the future.


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How to Cite
Chachalo Sandoval, M. V., Torres Baño, J. E., Torres Baño , F. E., Rodríguez Cueva, D. A., Álvarez Gallegos , A. C., & Andrade Chiriboga, J. E. (2024). Meta-analysis of gross motor development with the evolution of artificial intelligence. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(4), 22-36. Retrieved from

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