Analysis of the use of ICT in Basic Life Support training and its relationship with the motivation and satisfaction of students at a private institute in Quito

  • Carlos Patricio Castro Acosta Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador
  • Pamela Araceli Placencia Noquez Instituto Superior Universitario Compu Sur
  • Alirio Antonio Mejía Marín Universidad Católica Andrés Bello - UCAB
Keywords: TICS, Basic Life Support, Motivation, Satisfaction, Nursing


Information and Communication Technology (ICT) are considered tools that allow the creation of new ways of communicating, so their use in teaching centers can have several benefits in the motivational and satisfaction of students. The present study aims to determine the relationship between the use of ICTs in the management of Basic Life Support (BLS) and its relationship with the motivation and satisfaction of nursing students of a private high school in Quito. For this purpose, a mixed, descriptive, bibliographic and field research approach is proposed, which through the application of three instruments according to the variables of study, the situation of a total of 130 students of the mentioned career was analyzed. The results obtained through Spearman's Rho correlations showed that the level of correlation between the use of ICTs and motivation is 0.165, which is very low, indicating that having a high use of ICTs does not significantly guarantee the level of motivation of students, so this may be influenced by other factors.  While the correlation between ICTS use and satisfaction is -0.082, being negative and very low. This indicates that the use of ICTs does not have a significant impact on the level of student satisfaction, which may be influenced by other factors.


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How to Cite
Castro Acosta , C. P., Placencia Noquez, P. A., & Mejía Marín, A. A. (2024). Analysis of the use of ICT in Basic Life Support training and its relationship with the motivation and satisfaction of students at a private institute in Quito. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(5), 68-79. Retrieved from