Academic Offer and Social Needs: A Study on Angolan Universities

  • Juan Abreu Payrol Universidade Oscar Rivas
  • Inidia Rubio Vargas Universidade Oscar Rivas
  • Yosvany Pedroso González Universidade Oscar Rivas
Keywords: Academic Offer, Social Needs, Angolan Universities


This work is based on a documentary study on the training offer in public and private universities in the different provinces of Angola, using as primary sources documents issued by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology in 2022. Using descriptive statistical methods, we present tables and graphs upon which primary inferences are made. Using as variables: diversity of academic offer, geographic location of universities, areas of knowledge to which they belong (using the UNESCO classification), sociodemographic conditions of the provinces and the social conditions of Higher Education. Based on the status of each variable, correlations are established between the academic offer and the social needs of different contexts. Three working hypotheses are proposed. Correlation Hypothesis between Academic Offer and Social Needs: There is a positive correlation between the diversity of academic offer and the specific social needs of the provinces, which suggests a better response to local problems. Geographic Inequality Hypothesis: The geographic location of universities influences their ability to satisfy social needs; Universities located in areas with greater socioeconomic challenges present an academic offer that is less diverse and adapted to local realities. Hypotheses on the Impact of Sociodemographic Conditions: The sociodemographic conditions of the provinces directly affect the academic offer; universities tend to develop programs that do not always reflect the true needs of the job market and the community.



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How to Cite
Abreu Payrol, J., Rubio Vargas, I., & Pedroso González, Y. (2025). Academic Offer and Social Needs: A Study on Angolan Universities. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(7), 30-47. Retrieved from