Reduction of the Educational Gap: Quality of Mathematical Learning in Angola

  • Yosvany Pedroso González Universidade Oscar Rivas
  • Inidia Rubio Vargas Universidade Oscar Rivas
  • Juan Abreu Payrol Universidade Oscar Rivas
Keywords: Educational Gap, Learning Quality, Mathematics.


The work is based on collecting a set of quantitative data that characterize the state of Mathematics learning in primary and secondary education in the country. The quantitative analysis that is carried out leads to a qualitative analysis that identifies cognitive and socio-emotional problems of and for the learning of Mathematics, among them: dyscalculia, cognitive conflicts in the learning of mathematics, concentration of attention and learning of mathematical terminology and symbology. As an alternative to reduce the educational gap, a set of pedagogical actions are organized to increase the quality of learning, grouped into methodological actions: training in problematic teaching with a teaching approach that promotes the resolution of cognitive conflicts; active methodologies, which encourage the active participation of students through project-based learning, group work and the use of mathematical games; introduction of teaching resources to make learning more interactive. Actions for psychopedagogical guidance include: individualized diagnosis to identify specific needs such as dyscalculia or difficulties in concentrating attention; training workshops on inclusive teaching techniques and strategies to address diversity in the classroom. This includes training on how to recognize and address specific learning difficulties in mathematics; emotional and motivational support by implementing programs that foster self-esteem and motivation towards learning mathematics.


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How to Cite
Pedroso González, Y., Rubio Vargas, I., & Abreu Payrol, J. (2025). Reduction of the Educational Gap: Quality of Mathematical Learning in Angola. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(7), 48-63. Retrieved from