Valorization of Traditional Knowledge on the Use of Medicinal Plants in Congulo-B, Município do Amboim

  • Afonso Pinto Fançony Instituto Superior Politécnico do Cuanza Sul, Angola
  • Nuno Domingos Francisco Instituto Superior Politécnico do Cuanza Sul, Angola
  • Israel Freitas Nongando Domingos Instituto Superior Politécnico do Cuanza Sul, Angola
Keywords: herbal medicine, phytotherapy, ethnobotany, environmental sustainability.


Traditional knowledge and the use of medicinal plants are fundamental for alternative medicine, offering a sustainable alternative for promoting health in rural communities, especially in developing countries. This study aimed to explore and document the popular knowledge and therapeutic use of medicinal plants in the town of Congulo-B, municipality of Amboim, province of Cuanza Sul. Foram applied questionnaires structured and conducted interviews to collect demographic data and information on the knowledge and application of plants medicines The Snowball method was used to select participants, resulting in a sample composted by 58% of farmers and farmers, who, together, identified 12 species of native plants belonging to several different botanical families. The results indicate that 58.3% of the species identified were only used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, while 25% were reconstituted for their aphrodisiac function, with leaves and roots frequently prepared as infusions. The results also suggest that alternative medicine can serve as a viable alternative to conventional medicine. However, it is imperative that future studies investigate the chemical composition of the identified species and their therapeutic efficacy, in order to establish a solid and safe supply chain. Therefore, this work highlights the importance of protecting and promoting ancestral knowledge as an integral part of public and environmental health strategies.


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How to Cite
Pinto Fançony, A., Domingos Francisco, N., & Nongando Domingos, I. F. (2025). Valorization of Traditional Knowledge on the Use of Medicinal Plants in Congulo-B, Município do Amboim. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(7), 113-123. Retrieved from