Strategies for the use of leisure time in the eighth grade students of the Liceo la Pradera Educational Institution.

  • Germiluz Horta Martínez Universidad de Córdoba. Colombia.
  • Over José Vanegas Caraballo Universidad de Córdoba. Colombia.
Keywords: free time, physical activity, sport, health, students, education


This article seeks to know the use of free time in the students of the Liceo la Pradera educational institution, since we know that the optimal use of free time is beneficial because it allows us to get out of the routine and carry out recreational and physical activities that help to improve of our health. This aims to design a strategy for the use of free time in eighth grade students of the Liceo la Pradera educational institution in Montería/Córdoba. In which a survey of eight questions was applied to 50 students, 40 of eighth grade in relation to the use of free time outside the institution. Good results were obtained that are the result of the work of the teachers of the institution, but in turn it is possible to continue improving the inhabitants to take advantage of their free time. Throughout the research, work was done with teachers, students and educational communication in general for the development of the research and obtaining the results.


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How to Cite
Horta Martínez, G., & Vanegas Caraballo, O. J. (2023). Strategies for the use of leisure time in the eighth grade students of the Liceo la Pradera Educational Institution. GADE: Scientific Journal, 3(4), 115-136. Retrieved from