Autistic disorder: a reality in some families. Mexico case.

  • Blanca Pérez Vázquez. OPSECU
  • Soto Diaz Leal
Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, family.


Some families are currently mourning a diagnosis or possible misdiagnosis of autism spectrum disorders (ASD).

This disorder, according to statistics, increases its figure in Mexico mainly in children, affecting various causes; requires the participation of multidisciplinary teams for its conclusive result.

The proposal that is presented as an approach and beginning of the validation of the hypothesis that renders the thesis of the increase in people with ASD, mainly of children in pediatric ages, null, constitutes a referential, descriptive and exploratory investigation.


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How to Cite
Pérez Vázquez., B., & Soto Diaz Leal, Y. (2021). Autistic disorder: a reality in some families. Mexico case. GADE: Scientific Journal, 1(1), 59-73. Retrieved from