A journey through Autism: The Case of Nicolás
Autism according to López Gómez, S., Rivas Torres, R. M., & Taboada Ares, E. M. (2009)..is a disorder of great complexity in its etiology, as a consequence this article seeks to show the generalities of a case specifically of a child who found in his family a support to be able to be what is the methodology for this qualitative study under the biographical method of life history, the information was collected through surveys, semi-structured interviews and direct observation which allowed us to reach results that helps to destigmatize autism, recognize the value of the family as a support to raise your child, highlighting the abilities that each person with this diagnosis may have but that in many cases the same methodological barriers imposed by each teacher do not allow them to exploit These skills, the conclusions were reached that when the teacher or anyone focuses more on the person than on the diagnosis, the development and advances in young people with autism are really valuable, and it is also recognized that it is not only a responsibility of the teachers that the family plays an important role in academic processes and that if they are always there the results are greater and are even inspiring for other parents who find themselves in the same situation
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