Overprotection primary factor of dependency in adolescents with disabilities

  • Azucena Monserrate Macías Merizalde Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador
  • Andrés Eduardo Quelal Perugachi Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador
  • Paulina Yolanda Cabezas Amores Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador
Keywords: Physical disability, cognitive disability, overprotection, dependency.


Parents often assume that their children are not capable of carrying out certain activities on their own, restricting their opportunities to explore and strengthen their abilities. This attitude, although well-intentioned, reinforces the perception of inability in adolescents and promotes a cycle of dependency that can continue without adequate intervention. The study was carried out with a sample of ten adolescents with the aforementioned disabilities, between 15 and 20 years old, who are not in school, belong to a medium-high socioeconomic stratum and attend the Snoozelen Psychotherapeutic Center. Data collection was carried out through a structured survey based on the Likert scale, which was designed to evaluate the relationship between parental overprotection and dependency in the lives of these adolescents. The survey allowed us to measure both the attitudes of parents and the dependent behaviors of their children. The results confirm that overprotection limits the potential development of adolescents and perpetuates a cycle of dependency. Given this situation, it is considered essential to promote independence in adolescents with disabilities, providing tools and opportunities that allow them to function in their environment. Therefore, a psychotherapeutic program aimed at parents is proposed, aimed at promoting autonomy in their children. This approach will contribute to the development of their skills, encourage greater independence and reduce dependency, resulting in an improvement in their quality of life.


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How to Cite
Macías Merizalde, A. M., Quelal Perugachi, A. E., & Cabezas Amores, P. Y. (2025). Overprotection primary factor of dependency in adolescents with disabilities. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(7), 79-99. Retrieved from https://revista.redgade.com/index.php/Gade/article/view/545

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