The Impact of Welcoming and Integrating New Employees on the Smooth Operation of Academic Services

  • Etna Maria Cambambi Cassule CEA-IGS Namibe, Angola


The project “The Impact of Support and Integration of New Collaborators in the Functioning of the Academic Services of IGS Moçâmedes” aims to theoretically validate the effectiveness of the support and integration practices in the performance of academic services in 2023. The investigation adopts an open, classified scientific methodology as Basic strategic research, with a focus on understanding two processes and their consequences. The approach adopted is qualitative, to obtain an open view on the topic under analysis. At an explanatory level, the investigation aims to clarify the relationship between the support of new collaborators and the performance of two services. We use theoretical methods, such as historical-logical and analytical-synthetic, to contextualize and understand the impact over time, in addition to empirical methods, including scientific observation and documentary analysis, to obtain direct data on the experience of the collaborators and the effectiveness of the integration processes. The expected results include the identification of trends in the effectiveness of effective support and integration practices that contribute positively to the adaptation of new collaborators, promoting an efficient transition for the work environment. The project also aims to evaluate existing strategies, highlighting areas of success and opportunities for improvement, and offering recommendations to improve the IGS integration process, providing a smooth transition and identifying areas for continued improvement.


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How to Cite
Cambambi Cassule, E. M. (2025). The Impact of Welcoming and Integrating New Employees on the Smooth Operation of Academic Services. GADE: Scientific Journal, 4(7), 241-255. Retrieved from