Social significance of the management of tax compliance behavior of economic actors in non-state economic management forms in Cuba

  • Maira Vázquez Díaz Universidad de Oriente. Cuba
Keywords: Tax compliance behavior, economic actors, economic management


This article analyzes the social significance in the Cuban context of the management of tax compliance behavior of Self-Employed Workers and Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, which are recognized as economic actors in non-state forms of economic management. In June 2021, the Council of Ministers approved the improvement of these actors, each from their field of action, to achieve their contribution to the development of the nation in the implementation of the National Plan for Economic and Social Development until 2030 (PNDES 2030). This improvement meant important modifications, especially in tax precepts and in tax treatment. These adjustments were fundamentally aimed at enhancing fiscal management and control, promoting greater transparency in taxation. In this new scenario, it is vital to focus attention on tax compliance management, which is consistent with the guiding idea of ​​the New Public Management model, which identifies the new paradigm of tax administration as achieving a high level of voluntary compliance spontaneously by the majority of taxpayers. This research summarizes the main theoretical and conceptual aspects of tax compliance management based on a bibliographic review and identifies various factors that affect the non-compliance behavior of these economic actors, which has caused tax modifications to not have the expected effectiveness.


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Author Biography

Maira Vázquez Díaz, Universidad de Oriente. Cuba

Graduated in Economics in 2003 at the Universidad de Oriente, since that date she has worked as a Professor at the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, and as a member of the faculty of the Bachelor's Degree in Economics, she teaches the Micro-Macroeconomics discipline in the pregrade and postgrade. She is currently an Assistant Professor, occupying different methodological responsibilities in correspondence with the teaching category. He has an important scientific background, having obtained a Master's Degree in Economics with a Specialty in Research from the Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain, in 2013 and, more recently, a Master's Degree in Business Administration from the Universidad de Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. year 2021. He is currently a member of the Technical Advisory Council of the Ministry of Finance and Prices in Cuba as he is an expert on the subject of taxation in Cuba, especially related to taxes. He has received several recognitions such as the Provincial Prize “Abel Santamaría Cuadrado” awarded by the National Association of Cuban Economists and Accountants (ANEC) as well as his nomination for the National Prize in 2021. He has received awards at provincial events, participation in national and international events as well as several publications in national and international scientific journals.


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How to Cite
Vázquez Díaz, M. (2025). Social significance of the management of tax compliance behavior of economic actors in non-state economic management forms in Cuba. GADE: Scientific Journal, 5(1), 253-270. Retrieved from